Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving-related festivities

Wednesday, we took off from Providence in the middle of the day and ended up in Delaware some seven and a half hours later.  Madeline slept in the car, woke up just enough to say hello, and then went back to sleep.

Thursday was Thanksgiving!  Madeline made friends with Bridget.

We all went to Maclary Elementary, where Madeline swung on the swings ...

... and slid on the slide ...

... and hoarded playground balls ...

... and saw "Deer running!  Deer running in forest."

After a nap, Madeline fancified for the Thanksgiving feast.

At Nanny and Pop Pop's house, Madeline snuggled up with Uncle Alex ...

... and with Pop Pop!

She filled up on crackers and cheese and crab-filled mushroom caps and fruit cup, so when dinner arrived she seemed a little daunted by her full plate.

In fact, she was even too full for any pie -- but she did share in plenty of familial love and affection.

Friday, Madeline got to hang out with cousin Hailey!  Like last year, the two took a little time to figure one another out.  But this year, everyone was old enough for fun times and big smiles (credit Uncle David for the photo).

There was even a wagon ride (and, later, pizza) in the deal.

Today, so far, we've visited Winterthur (including the Enchanted Woods) and had lunch with Great Grandpa Royce, and Madeline's taken a three-hour nap.  I forgot my camera, but here's a photo from the Enchanted Woods courtesy of Grandma Susy.

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