Sunday, February 24, 2013

Party weekend!

Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for Desmond and Iré (and Eli, a child we don't know).  There were many children and music and a parachute and much craziness.  Thanks to Vanessa for getting some pictures, including this one:

After the party, we looked for seals.

We didn't find any.  We did find some rocks, though.

After Madeline's nap, she and I went out shopping for her birthday party today.  She helped pick out goody bags goodies, snacks, and juice boxes for her friends -- and balloons too.

Today, Madeline got to enjoy the fruits of our shopping trip!

She was super-happy all day.  Maybe that was because six of her friends came over, parents in tow, to help Madeline celebrate turning two.

The little ones romped all over the house, playing with this, that, the other thing, and each other.  Then Madeline got her birthday-party cupcake!

She enjoyed everyone's rendition of "Happy Birthday to You" but wasn't sure she wanted the same level of attention when it came time to maul her cupcake.

She told me she'd like to get down from her seat and join the other kids.

So she did.  She enjoyed her cupcake, and the other kids seemed to like them too.


There was more wildness after the cupcakes, but eventually the little ones began to tire and raucous playing gave way to peaceful coloring.

And so Madeline's friends all headed off to their naps and Madeline upstairs to hers.

After her nap, Madeline enjoyed sorting and stacking her party hats.

But she enjoyed -- even more than the hats -- eating one more cupcake.

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