Monday, February 18, 2013


On Friday, Madeline got in some play time before ...

... and after school.

On Saturday, Summer and Neal attended a conference in Boston, so Madeline hung out with Anna and me.  Anna declared Madeline medically sound.

We went to the Museum of Natural History, where Madeline was especially fond of this leopard.

As soon as she saw the leopard, Madeline cried "Leopard!" and away she went.  She told us to "Look at its mouth!  It's singing!  It's laughing!" and "Look at its claws!  Big claws!"  She also enjoyed the lions, bears, and antelopes.

On Sunday, Summer and Neal eschewed the conference due to a combination of snow and a reduced Sunday schedule for public transit.  Instead, we all played with dinosaur magnets ...

... and read books in front of a roaring fire.

This morning, Summer went to work and Anna and Neal took off.  I have been sick, so I have little to relate other than that we had a nice visit, and today Madeline asked after Anna and Neal repeatedly until she accepted that they were "goin' to see Melody" -- their cat.

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