Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow snow snow snow

Yesterday, wearing my gloves, Madeline surveyed Friday night's snowfall.

Out the front door, on the top step, I measured 20 inches of snow -- we must have had two feet at ground level.

I did my best to get us shoveled out.  Happily, I was bailed out by a friendly neighbor with a snowblower.  This freed up some time for a short walk to the pond to stand on top of a snowheap.

Down the street, a tree and some wires were down.  For our part, though, we never did end up losing power.

In fact, aside from being buried in snow, our house seems to have made out fine.

A trek in the snow, however short, demands a cup of cocoa.

And, warmed by her cocoa, Madeline practiced her discus-throwing and shot-putting in the living room.

Today, Madeline had more energy than she quite knew what to do with.  I managed to expend some energy on further snow shoveling, but Madeline had no such outlet.  So we spent some time on art projects ...

... but eventually she had to get out of the house.  We braved the roads, got lunch, and stopped off at a drug store for a few supplies.

All this quite exhausted Madeline, who took a nice, deep nap.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got a nap in too! And what fun it will be to shovel out the car. I am so glad that you stayed warm and didn't lose power. All reports of the storm mention Providence right after Boston and the number of households without power. Then there are all those people who got stuck on the roads. At least your state had you staying home...hooray for that decision. Stay well and sure-footed. We love you ... xoxo N
