Friday, February 8, 2013


The last few days we had late and busy evenings and little time for pictures or posts. Today, though, was a snow day.  My office was closed, Brown was closed, and we kept Madeline home.  In the morning she lounged.

But after her nap, we played in the snow.  Madeline was excited about eating snow.

I didn't have a free hand for pictures when she was having the most fun, though -- Summer and I were involved in a hard-fought snowball battle much to Madeline's raucous-giggling delight.

After that, we had to have cocoa.

As afternoon became evening, the snowfall became a blizzard.  Madeline pulled up a tiny chair to watch with her friends Horton and -- appropriately -- snowy owl.  (She brought my gloves, too.)

Before she went to bed, a yardstick out the front door measured six inches of accumulation.  After bedtime, the number was seven inches.  Now it's over nine.  And the wind at T. F. Green airport, less than 3 miles away, has been measured at sixty miles per hour.

Our power has blinked a couple times, and I expect we'll lose it in earnest soon -- as of now, 78,427 other National Grid customers in Rhode Island have.  So -- so long for tonight!

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