Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seven months!

Madeline is seven months old today!

She was surprisingly cheery this morning given that none of us slept much last night -- Madeline spent most of the night crying over her impending teeth. But this morning she had plenty of smiles to go around.

Pretty soon we'll have too many months to recap all the chair pictures, but that time has not yet come. Here they are --

One month:

Two months:

Three months:

Four months:

Five months:

Six months:

And now, seven months!

One of the traits that's emerged over the last month is an energy level that seems to increase alongside Madeline's mobility. As you can see above, she was not too interested in sitting still for her seven-month photo shoot.

But she did alright for a reading of Madeline's Rescue this morning nonetheless.

Her time in daycare was marked by a ferocious appetite and marred by more teething pain. At home, though, she was mostly calm and happy (albeit still showing signs of teething pain) until bedtime.

Tomorrow presents a major test: a 5-6 hour drive to join family on the Jersey shore. Wish us luck!

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