Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Madeline is asleep, and it is 9:11 (big knock on wood here). I have a hard time believing she is down for the night because she hasn't eaten very much today. For the past few days she has been eating less frequently and for a shorter time than usual. I don't know if she is becoming a more efficient eater or is struggling with early teething or something else.

Madeline and I spent the day alone together. She took a long morning nap which allowed me to work on some figures for my thesis. In the afternoon, we did the usual: some tummy time (which she seems to hate now), read some books, sang many songs, etc.

Max's note: this is what I saw of Madeline before work.

Perhaps the big (oh it's BIG) news of the day is that we tried a new Moby wrap style: the hug hold. Unfortunately, by the time I figured out how to get Madeline into the new hold, the skies looked rather ominous

The skies might be ominous, but Madeline's happy!

We soldiered on anyway and took a short walk around the block. It started to rain (not too heavily) so we sped home.

If you look closely, you can see the raindrops...

We picked up Max at work and proceeded with the night.

This is Max again. I don't have much to add; as Summer said to start off the post, our bedtime-establishing efforts seem to be paying early dividends (last night notwithstanding). But I managed to get in some time while with Madeline after work while Summer baked bread and made dinner -- wow, thesis work, mothering, baking, and cooking! During our evening time together, Madeline and I played sky baby (of course), we sang and danced, and we got in some good smiles (and diaper changes). Tomorrow will be an extra-super-fun day as Summer tries to put a bigger dent in her thesis. Keep your fingers crossed for more bottle-feeding success!

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