Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hot hot hot

Today was probably the hottest day of Madeline's life thus far (outside the womb anyway). Providence was in the low 80s. She was rather fussy and had a difficult time napping for very long. Given the gusto she gave to chewing on Sophie, I think her burgeoning tooth may have been giving her a hard time again.

But after lunch, I put her in the Ergo (complete with newborn insert--basically making her a baby taco) and she immediately burst into big smiles. We took a walk to Edge (a coffee shop in Wayland Square). I got an iced chai (and a blister) while baby got a nice nap and some vitamin D (don't worry, she wore a sunhat!).

We did some tummy time. I tried to get videos, but she was crying in all of them (mean, mean mom) so I'll spare you those.

Tonight at dinner, Madeline tried to grab my [Max: homemade, broccoli-topped] pizza! Sneaky baby.

Max: and then she had trouble getting to sleep, and looked up forlornly at her mama for help. Happily, sleep followed not long afterward.

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