Monday, May 9, 2011

Still sick


Max here. Summer spent most of the day still sick, though she's seeming weller if sleepier now. Above is her contribution to the blog for today.

In my experience, Madeline has been a study in contrasts today. This morning she tried to paint the wall orange, which she hadn't done in a while; while I cleaned up after her she spent some time with her beloved mobile in the crib. She got so excited dancing to its catchy tune that she actually rolled over back-to-front!

Then I went to work.

When I returned from work Madeline was sleeping on sick Summer's tummy. She was none too pleased to wake up not long after. She did her best banshee-scream and kept it up no matter how we tried to soothe her.

Then she just stopped. And smiled at her toys and cooed along with our songs and got giddy playing the gas game.

Then came more irremediable banshee-screams.

After another nap, she's been nothing but a smily bundle of bubbly affection for the rest of the night. She seemed especially fond of our diaper-time rendition of "Old MacDonald." She sat still for most of One Fish Two Fish. And she ate. She's still resisting sleep somewhat, but doing so peacefully. Fingers crossed for no more banshee-screams...

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