Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Well, as it turns out you'll get at least one more short one: Summer's come down with my bug, which apparently wasn't food poisoning after all. It must've been lurking in the background all this perfectly normal day, only to strike with all its deeply unpleasant fury after our second maternal Skype. So, a happy First Official Mother's Day indeed to poor Sum, and let's hope Madeline remains immune.

At least during the perfectly normal part of the day, we got to enjoy the outside world. The tree out front (we don't know what kind it is, ignorant us) has been shedding petals abundantly; I arranged some on Madeline's face to her apparent enjoyment.

But her main enjoyment was grabbing her dress and pulling it up to expose her belly.

There was other fun stuff, including a walk for ice cream and the aforementioned maternal Skypes, but the rather rough night has overridden its recall for now. To all other mothers out there: I hope you had as good a Mother's Day as we did, and a much better Mother's Night!

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