Saturday, May 14, 2011


This morning Madeline's body language said she was more than ready for a busy day: she'd have her three-month chair pictures, the well-populated plant sale, some time in the garden back at home, and then the main event -- meeting her great-grandparents!

Sure enough, Madeline is three months old today! As a reminder, here's how she looked at one month:

Here's how she looked at two months:

And here's how she looks now -- so big ...

... and happy ...

... and full of energy!

Soon we were ready for Southside Community Land Trust's plant sale.

This happened to coincide with Madeline's nap, which worked out well for everyone. Her fingers made their usual appearance, but she was unconscious for her admirers' many oohs and aahs and pokes and prods.

Back at home we did some picking up to prepare for Madeline's great-grandparents' arrival. Then we went outside to play with our new plants. Madeline wanted to check out the fun.

Just when everything had been planted and watered, the great-grandparents serendipitously called. In short order, they were here!

Madeline had some high-quality smiles but I only managed to capture her most serious expressions. Smiley or serious, she seemed to charm her great-grandparents.

We had a fun evening, but tomorrow should be even better! As usual with such visits, more pictures are sure to follow.

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