Monday, April 16, 2012

Energy, disgruntled-toddler mode

Madeline was a ball of energy today.

In the morning she channeled it into pursuits like feeding waffle pieces to a scary ancient fish ...

... giggling ...

... and fetching me the dinosaur when I asked her to, announcing "dino!"

This afternoon, though, was kind of a debacle.  The bus broke down and left Summer and me standing outside at our respective posts for half an hour before Summer, being closer to daycare, had to speedwalk to pick up Madeline on time.  Summer then drove downtown to pick me up.  Because our schedule was thrown off, we stopped at a (casual, family) restaurant for dinner and Madeline went into a disgruntled-toddler mode that required her removal to the car. By the time we were home and she was down for bed, we were drained.

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