Monday, April 2, 2012

Home sick

Madeline was sent home sick this afternoon: she had only a slight fever but was very fussy and "not herself."

She seemed happy to be picked up but lower energy than usual.  At home, we examined the yard a bit: Madeline crunched dried leaves, pulled apart a dandelion, and examined some clover.  She also wanted to visit various dogs being walked across the street (but settled for waving to them instead).

We went to pick up Summer, and then Madeline napped for a while.  She awoke from the nap with significantly more energy.

By the time I'd finished making dinner, she'd wound down again.  After dinner, it was too early for bed, so we checked out Madeline's new haul of books from the Scholastic order forms her daycare distributes.

So we passed a half hour or so ...

... until it was time for bed.

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