Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Madeline, garden expert

Madeline's day began with pajamas, a hat, and a cat.

Later this morning we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

At daycare Madeline helped plant a vegetable garden.  She also napped for almost two hours!

Back at home, she surveyed the yard from the front porch.

She declared to me that it would be a good day to break out the grill and cook up a few burgers.  So I did.  And she shared her new-found gardening knowledge with Summer.

Being a gardening expert now, she's not too impressed with most of our containers, which we haven't even planted (and might not this year, given the likelihood of a late-summer move).  The raspberry that came back from last year, though, looks good.

After dinner, Madeline played gymnastics on the futon we keep set up as a spare bed.

We got her ready for her bath and then bed; she was happy.

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