Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sick day ft. playing outside

Madeline kept us up from 11:30 to 2:30 last night and still seemed out of sorts this morning, so we kept her home from daycare.  She alternated between tired-fussy-snotty and happy-shrieky-energetic all day.  The mild fever never returned, though.

First thing this morning, Madeline played with Petey.

Then Summer took her out to play in the yard and walk to the playground so I could get some work done.  Madeline picked dandelions ...

... and grape hyacinths.

And she played on the playground.

Then this afternoon I watched Madeline while Summer got some work done in lab.

We played outside, too.  She found this exciting stick:

Then I put her in a tree.

While we were playing with the trees, I also got to pet a squirrel's tail as it sat only half-hidden in a hollow branch.  I didn't let Madeline pet it for fear of her getting bitten.

We had a snack of crackers and cheese -- pretty much the best thing in the world!

Then at the end of the snack, Nory chased her tail on the rug.  Madeline watched and then turned to me as if to say, "Did you see that?  Awesome!"

We went out one more time to play -- this time, football.  Touchdown!

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