Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sure enough, peanut allergy

This morning Madeline tried on one of Summer's old shirts.  It made a fine robe.

Mid-day, we picked up Madeline for her allergist appointment.  She did some reading and watched her stories while we waited.

The news: sure enough, she has a peanut allergy.

The allergist's office is across the street from a playground, so we took a few minutes for Madeline to play.

She had fun.

At home, she relaxed.

And she attacked Summer, too.

We ended up having an early dinner, leaving time for an after-dinner walk.  By the end of it, Madeline was about a hair's width from sleep.

And that was that.


  1. Check those loooong legs!Looks like she likes to swing. I'll have to find that poem by RL Stevenson (that I used to know by heart)called "The Swing". Wonder if that book is in your cellar? Hugs all around..xo N

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about her peanut allergy. Did she have an attack?
