Sunday, April 22, 2012

Low-key, party, under the weather?

We had a low-key morning. Madeline and Petey hung out together.

Madeline continues to enjoy her fuzzy buddy.

She took a break from Petey to help me make French toast.  Her way of helping today was to provide percussion.

Around midday we headed out for a car nap followed by a birthday party!  Madeline found a dandelion ...

... and brought it along for the ride.

That's the end of the pictures for today, but Madeline had a great time at the party.  She was shy at first but then played with the other kids.  She had a special super-happy freakout session with James, the two of them running around together shrieking with laughter.  She seemed to love Jamaican food.  And she ate all of her piece of ice cream cake and part of Summer's too.

Toward the end of the day Madeline started seeming a little grumpy and under the weather.  Maybe it was just the rainy day and consequent lack of outdoor play, or maybe she's getting sick.  Let's hope for the former.

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