Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Coughing but healthy

This morning we received a call from daycare: Madeline was happy, playful, and fever-free, but there was some concern over her persistent cough.  So I made a 4:30 doctor's appointment, and we took off early to take Madeline in.  She didn't mind.

In fact, she was exceptionally well behaved as the doctor and a med student checked her out with a stethoscope and that pointy light thingy they use to look inside your ears, nose, and throat.  The result: as long as she stays fever-free, Madeline's fine and we should just ride out the cough.  So that's that.

Also, because I'm sure you're dying to know, Madeline measured 30 and a half inches long and weighed in just a hair over 22 pounds.

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