Sunday, May 27, 2012

Officially Dr. Summer

Summer was more or less Dr. Summer when she successfully defended her PhD in August; today Brown University officially conferred that title on her.

So this morning Madeline and I camped out to watch her march with her graduate school classmates.

Here Summer is, fresh out of the famous Van Wickle Gates!  Can you spot her?

After waiting about an hour and then watching the procession, an antsy Madeline and I went home to watch a live stream of Summer's commencement ceremony.  It was like watching a movie, complete with a snack.

I took a screenshot when Summer received her doctor's hood:

After that, Madeline took a nap.  We met up with Summer again for lunch, and then returned to campus for Summer's departmental ceremony.  Again, Madeline was relatively calm for maybe 45 minutes, but we had to retreat to this vestibule when she became a little too squirmy.

We did poke our heads back in the door when Summer was acknowledged on stage.  Madeline shouted "Mama!  Mama!  Mama!" and the whole room said "Awww!"

Outside, Summer posed with her adviser Diane.

And she imparted neuroscientific knowledge unto Madeline.

Then we all posed together.

At some point, Madeline frolicked off with Summer's classmate Mark's fancy graduation hat.

Altogether, today was a busy day.  That busyness was well earned, though.  Congratulations, Dr. Summer!


  1. Wow! Are you ever fancy Summer! I really like your robe/gown or whatever it is called. Thanks so much for the pictures..would like to have been there in person but was thinking of you all day. Again, our congratulations - we are so proud of you. Lots to think about tonight for sure. xoxo N/G

  2. Congrats Summer!! What a big deal! Sounds like Madeline was a real trooper.

  3. Congratulations Summer!! Glad you had beautiful weather for commencement. Love meg
