Saturday, May 19, 2012

Greene family visit: day one

This morning Madeline and I visited the first outdoor farmers market of the year and then ran some errands. Around midday, family arrived: Madeline welcomed the Greene grandparents and great-grandparents, as well as Alex (who has decided to change his uncle-name from Unkie Al to Unclesaurus Rex).  Madeline eased right into socializing.

After this and that and playing and catching up, we went out to the yard.

I tended the grill and we all relaxed.

Madeline gleefully climbed various chairs and let us know the playgroundworthiness of each.  This one apparently fit the bill:

After dinner, Madeline retreated to the futon for tickles from her mama and grandpa. Tka-tka-tka!

Then she emerged to point out her belly button ...

... and the alligator on Unclesaurus Rex's shirt.

It was well past her normal bed time when we closed up shop, and Madeline knew it.  Instead of engaging with her bedtime routine, she just pointed to her crib longingly until, finally, we deposited her there.

1 comment:

  1. What a good little girl! Aidan would have never pointed to her crib and asked to go to bed. He still fights sleep with every fiber of being, afraid he'll miss something important. Or something.

    Aidan does share Madeline's love of tickles!

    Cute pictures.
