Monday, May 21, 2012

Greenes, gardening, coloring, chairs

The Greenes headed back to Delaware today, but not before Madeline had the chance to point out things to grandpa through the window ...

... and not before we got a lovely posed shot in front of a blooming rhododendron.

Not too long after we waved bye-bye to the Greenes -- leaving just Madeline and me at home -- we embarked on a car nap, trusty bucket in tow.

Madeline woke up invigorated and ready to wear hats!

But I took mine back and gave her her own before we went outside to do some gardening (bucket still in tow).

While I planted two sunberry plants, two strawberry plants, a cucumber plant, and some herbs, Madeline gathered grass and clover from the yard.

She also expressed some interest in the spade.

Before Madeline could really admire our gardening work, though, her diaper needed tending.  So we went inside.  And (after the diaper business) we did some coloring.

After that, Madeline spent some time happily sitting in chairs.

Then, after the chair-sitting, Madeline and I took a walk by one of the houses we're interested in.  We remained interested, and in fact Summer and I just made arrangements to visit it tomorrow.

Around 4, neither sitting in chairs nor going out walking proved adequate to mollify Madeline.  For an hour or so she put up quite a bit of fuss, and she didn't have much patience for her bath tonight either.  Hopefully she'll wake up refreshed and ready to go tomorrow.

P.S. If you haven't done so and are holding out for more prodding, please sign the petition to save Madeline's daycare!

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