Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hot dog & band-aid

Today we went to the farmers market.

Madeline had a hot dog -- her first?  She liked it.

Later, we were walking on the sidewalk outside the house when she lost her balance and got a little scrape on her knee.  She got a band-aid -- her first? -- but didn't keep it on for long.

And she modeled our "Save Taft" buttons, designed to stimulate conversation and petition-signing over Brown's commencement weekend.

Tomorrow Summer officially graduates, some nine months after defending her thesis!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to post pictures of Summer in her fancy regalia...wish we could see her in person.
    I am just imagining Madeline's mouth with all that food inside after viewing her chewing something she liked last weekend. How she can chew with it so full remains a mystery! Hope the "owie"heals quickly...xoxo N
