Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Despite a good day yesterday, Madeline seemed a little sick again today.

We tried to let Summer sleep in for Mothers Day, and when she got up we made a tasty chocolate-French-toast and strawberry brunch.  Yum.

Madeline's indicators of illness were a profusion of mucus and a shorter temper than usual.  Nevertheless, she found time to stop and smell the flowers (or at least the volunteer dill coming back from last year).

And she picked dandelions ...

... and carried the fruits of her labor around to be admired.

She picked some leaves, too.

And she spent some time just taking in the lovely weather from our front steps.

After Madeline took her midday nap, we walked down to Wayland Square for caffeinated drinks and snacks.  Yum.

And after we walked home, Madeline navigated her way up the front stairs without any assistance.  She was proud!

Back inside she played ... and fussed ... and fussed ... and played ...

... until it all gave way to fussing after dinner, which meant an early bath and bedtime.  Tomorrow it's back to daycare and work.

Before signing off, I'd like to wish a happy Mothers Day to Madeline's mama, her grandmas, and her great-grandma.  Madeline and I (and many others) love you and appreciate all you do!

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