Saturday, September 22, 2012

Another busy Saturday

Today was another busy Saturday!

We kicked it off with an early brunch at Olga's, where we ran into one of my coworkers.  Now that it's fall, the weather is more conducive to indoor eating.

Next stop was Lippitt Park.

Madeline blew off some steam on the playground before we shopped at the farmers market.

Then, after produce-shopping, she happily walked along the edge of the fountain.

That was enough excitement for the morning, and a nap followed.

Then this afternoon we attended a block party thrown by friend Meredith and her neighbors.  Madeline played with James ...

... and Lena ...

... and generally had a grand old time.

By the time we got home -- 6:30 or so -- she was already asking for bedtime.  But we did manage to squeeze in a few last moments of Saturday fun before heeding her call and heading upstairs to bed.

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