Saturday, September 29, 2012

Library and farm

Early this morning, Summer went into lab for a bit so Madeline and I hung out.  We watched out the kitchen window as migrating birds flocked to and from our neighbors' yard.

While I got dressed, she cavorted with Petey.

She also had three breakfasts: first, yogurt and a banana; second, a waffle and some pear pieces; third, scrambled eggs.  She must be growing.

When Summer came home, Madeline declared that she wanted to go for a walk in the stroller.  We took the opportunity to pay our first visit to the local library!

The library has puzzles ...

... books (and little tables and chairs for reading them) ...

... and a fun bucket!

Madeline had so much fun at the library that she was ready to nap right after we got home.

When she woke up, we drove to Ward's Berry Farm to meet friends Mark, Joci, and little Sam.  Don't be fooled by the farm's name -- Ward's is not just berries.  Indeed, the farm features goats ...

... and sheep ...

... and cows and chickens and rabbits.  Also, Madeline picked out a mini-pumpkin, and we took home some delicious tomatoes and late-season corn.  But before we left, Sam and Madeline posed happily on this child-sized bench:

We ate our corn and tomatoes for dinner with pasta.


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