Saturday, September 8, 2012


This morning Summer took the car to the shop while Madeline and I held down the fort at home.

I did some picking up while Madeline sat in this chair tending to Baby.

Then we went out to explore the neighborhood.  We found a playground, and Madeline immediately made for the slide.


Back at home, we had some lunch, Madeline went down for her nap, I got a nice visit from my former boss, Summer returned (more than four hours after leaving to take the car in!), and Madeline woke up.

The three of us then spent some time chatting and snacking on the patio.

I tossed maple helicopters (which are actually called samaras, a fact I've tried and failed before to commit to memory) for our amusement.

And Madeline was so excited by her mint milano that she did a cookie dance.

Back inside, Madeline climbed into the chair and sat with Petey, and it was cute.

The end.

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