Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumn Sunday

Today Madeline and I played and worked in the yard a bit.  We found worms.  Madeline was a little squeamish at first ...

... but eventually wanted to help them by moving them from patio pavement to dirt.

For most of the day, she was in a silly mood.

In the mid-afternoon, Summer went in to work.  In addition to playing at home, Madeline and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  We took a break so she could sit on this big rock.

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening just chilling out at home.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you couldn't watch the game :(
    I love the picture with the worm! Looks like someone has new shoes. Cute shot of her with the sunglasses in her rocking chair too. We miss you...Love, N
