Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beware the Ides of March

Madeline was sent home sick today -- she had a fever.  I am catching up on work now, so I'll be brief.

When we came home, it was sunny out and the air felt salutary so we spent a bit of time breathing it in in the yard.  (The gases Madeline breathed in from her dinosaur squirter, though, might have offset the fresh air.)

Then Madeline had a fine afternoon snack of peaches and crackers before taking an afternoon nap.  When she was down for her nap, Summer came home too.

When Madeline woke up from her nap, she and Summer played while I made some dinner.  (Mmm, mashed potatoes.)

Madeline never seemed all that unwell, but she was definitely a bit more subdued and prone to fuss than usual.  That's about all for today.  Summer and I will be splitting up tomorrow one way or another, and hopefully Madeline will be feeling better.

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