Saturday, March 31, 2012

Birthday party!

This morning was our last official seal count of the season.  Grand total: zero.

At home we had more success with things like pancake-eating and baby-tickling.

Madeline refused her normal nap but did not refuse a delicious rice cake snack.

The highlight of the day was attending Lea and Arlo's joint first birthday party!  I'm not sure when Madeline last saw her friends -- maybe way back when -- but hopefully they'll see more of each other soon.  In any event, today they had a good time playing with a box tunnel and tromping around making mischief with several other babies.  And despite having refused her nap, Madeline held it together impressively.

Madeline finally slept in the car after the party, so we drove around while she napped.  When she woke up we stopped at Wayland Square for a pick-me-up and a bookstore visit.  Then it was time to head home.

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