Saturday, March 10, 2012

What begins with B? bread, books, big kids' park

Max had another conference today so Madeline and I had the day to ourselves. We spent time playing in and out of baby jail. Max calls this her mad scientist hair/pose. I don't know why he would hypothesize that scientists have crazy hair.

She was thrilled to feed herself yogurt with a spoon.

This is just a cute picture.

Petey continues to give Madeline much joy.

After skyping with Uncle Marc (the younger) and a nap, we walked over to Wayland Square where we stopped by Starbucks for some coffee and pumpkin bread. Madeline was amused by the bird that stole some of our pumpkin bread and confused by the cars that she couldn't see driving behind the hedge.

Next we went to Books on the Square where Madeline practiced her walking, played with a Spot stuffed puppy, read books, and petted a real puppy. We bought a Spot book and bananagrams (for Max).

Next we went to a park that we visited almost exactly a year ago. Only this time Madeline was old enough to enjoy it! She swung on a swing.

She pushed one of the many push toys (and pointed, her specialty). She also went down a few slides, played with assorted other toys, and studiously observed the older kids playing.

Back at home she showed me that she knows how to wind up her musical dog.

She stacked doughnuts on her stacker toy.

Then Max came home and took her on a drive where she napped in the car while I played with e.coli and did sciency things. Then we had dinner where Madeline enjoyed pickles, bread, broccoli, steak, and mashed potatoes. This week we have been trying to gradually move her bedtime earlier in anticipation of the springing forward that happens at 2am. That seemed to backfire today as she had an especially difficult time going to sleep and ended up making her bedtime later than usual! I suppose this may not be such a bad thing in the morning.

New words: doggie, hat, snowman (there was a banner with a snowman on it that she saw during our walk)

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