Sunday, March 11, 2012


We had a relatively quiet morning.

But after breakfast, we proceeded to Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge, which Madeline enjoyed visiting several months ago.  This time, a freer Madeline was able to enjoy the big, interesting space even more.

She quickly found an acorn that she clutched for most of the walk.

We stopped by Carr's pond for a family photo.

And more photos ...

We paused again later so Madeline could make a choice: pinecone? ...

... or rock?

She chose rock (note her other hand, clutching the acorn).

We visited a historic stone wall.

And I gave Madeline a ride for the last stretch.

Madeline napped on the way home, and then we went for a walk around our neighborhood.  Our first stop was McBride's Pub, a new addition since the days when we lived at Wayland Square.  McBride's is perhaps best known for being appended to another interesting business.

On the way home, we stopped for Madeline's second playground visit in as many days.

She found a stick AND some bark -- what a good day!

1 comment:

  1. It's like discovering the world all over again through Madeline's delightful. There are several really special pictures in todays lot...especially those two of Summer and Madeline by the little group of trees...just lovely. Have a good day and remember how much you are loved...xo N
