Saturday, March 17, 2012

Clover Day No. 2

Madeline's second clover day was much better than clover day eve.  We started the day with french toast followed by Madeline playing peek-a-boo with each of us from behind her chair!

Then it was time to go look for seals.  Madeline was ready!

Alas, the seals are still elsewhere.

Back at home, we played outside in the yard ...

... and read books inside.

Later this afternoon Summer and I spent some time cleaning and decluttering.  In the process, hats were loosed and Madeline was in hat heaven.  At one point she had a hat on her head and one in each hand and was running around in circles laughing and sometimes saying hat.  She was moving too quickly for me to get a decent shot, unfortunately for us all.

Finally, it was time for dinner -- corned beef and cabbage.  And Summer and I had Guinness, of course, while Madeline was lucky enough to gnaw an empty bottle for a bit.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60s and sunny.  We hope to get out and enjoy it!

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