Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yesterday and today: playing outside

Sorry! Last night I went straight from working on a job application to bed to read Moby Dick (I'm almost done!).  Here are the two pictures you would have seen earlier had I remembered to post:

The morning ...

... and the afternoon.

Now on to today.

This morning we played in the yard.

Madeline found lots of interesting things, like this feather!

Inside, she made elephant noises ...

... and she found sunglasses -- or as she calls them, "hat."

Next we went to Colt State Park.

First, Madeline met two very nice huskies whose owner attested to their sweet personalities.  Sure enough, Madeline and I got kisses.

Then we went exploring.

Madeline wanted to climb on the picnic tables and play with sticks.  We obliged.

We also overturned some rocks, and Madeline met a worm and this pillbug.

Then we found a toy styracosaurus!  Madeline looked around to make sure its rightful owner wasn't running over to claim it.

We took the styracosaurus closer to the water where the seagulls were congregating.  A few cracker pieces brought them over for closer inspection.  This one was the meanest; it chased the rest away.

When we refused to give up more cracker pieces and the seagulls disbanded, Madeline went after them.

Then it was time to go.

We stopped for a snack at the Beehive Cafe, where Madeline inspected the ceramic pieces and marbles embedded in the floor outside.

Finally, it was time to don our shades ("hats") and head home.

1 comment:

  1. Love these! In that first picture she reminds me of her third cousin, twice removed (?) Graham. I think she needs a Grandfather lesson in elephant noises...he is definitely king of those. Looks like a great family outing- would love to have tagged along. Your letters much appreciated, Max. Hugs all around from DE xo N
