Thursday, March 29, 2012


This morning Madeline enjoyed a banana as usual.

This afternoon we had to pick her up early -- before she had even finished her nap! -- to bring her to her first appointment with an allergist.

The allergist said it sounds like she has a peanut allergy, but the test won't be until next week.  In the meantime, she prescribed us EpiPens in case Madeline has a bad reaction to some hidden peanuts or other, unidentified allergens.

Madeline enjoys gnawing on the practice EpiPen while wearing a necktie and being held upside-down.

She also enjoys gnawing on it under more normal circumstances.

Madeline has become very proud of her artwork. One morning recently (this morning? yesterday?) she retrieved the snowman I helped her to color -- daycare homework -- and, beaming, brought it to me while I was still in bed.  Of course a month ago she made her beloved leap frog.  And this afternoon she marched around with a lion she made (March comes in like a lion) and just brought home from daycare.  Her most recent homework assignment was a flower she and I colored together, and Summer tells me that daycare told her that they'll be doing some special Easter artwork.

Madeline's also been helping to pick up her messes.  With prompting, she puts toys in their receptacles and clothes in the hamper.  She's really becoming a toddler instead of a little baby.

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