Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July: zoo & 'cue

We made it back to the zoo! Madeline's interest in the animals was hit-and-miss -- for example, in this picture we're facing the giraffe enclosure and Madeline seems to be looking down.

She rarely fails, however, to be interested in chewing on my hat's strap.

The zoo trip ended up being pretty epic. We paused for a late lunch halfway through and still just made it out before closing. On the way to lunch, Madeline fell asleep in my arms. While we ate, Madeline napped in her stroller. She was pretty confused when she woke up.

She seemed gradually to get her bearings.

Some highlights of today's trip included unusually frisky red pandas, the new river otter which woke from a nap under a log as we watched, and a giant snapping turtle in the wetlands pond.

At home, Madeline unquestionably appreciated her animal companions as she laughed hysterically at cheetah friend (animated by Neal and Summer).

Then it was time for a cookout! We set up the chairs on the ramshackle front porch and the grill on the walkway. Very tasty burgers were cooked and consumed in true American spirit. Chairs were swapped and Madeline was passed around as I manned the grill. All was well.

We'd thought about trying to make the India Point Park band-and-fireworks show, but after her zoo nap Madeline got steadily sleepier without succumbing to any more nap attempts. So by 7:30 -- when the band was set to start -- she made it clear that she was quite ready for bed. And when the 9:15 display was in bloom Madeline was asleep inside; the rest of us spent a moment watching from the street as the fireworks' flashes just barely cleared the tops of the neighborhood trees.

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