Sunday, July 31, 2011

Buttonwood Farm

This morning Summer and I wanted to sleep, but Madeline wanted to do this:

She babbled loudly in her co-sleeper until I changed her, dressed her, and set her up on the floor with toys and pillows. Then she played and played and played.

By late morning it was time to head to Connecticut -- specifically, Buttonwood Farm, where we were meeting friend Lauren. The plan was to enjoy a picnic lunch, stroll through acres of sunflowers, and top off the afternoon with ice cream. And so we did.

After introducing Lauren and Madeline, we laid out our lunch spread and let Madeline gum some cauliflower as we ate.

Then came the sunflowers. The sun was bright and the flowers were many.

We entered the field through an opening in the historic stone wall.

And we showed Madeline the field. She seemed overwhelmed.

A single sunflower was more her speed.

When we reached the top of the hill overlooking the field, she soaked it all in while we chatted ...

... and posed.

And we got a final shot from ground level to show that the sunflowers were quite tall -- even taller than Summer!

When we emerged from the field, we waited (as Madeline napped in Summer's arms) in a long line for ice cream (I got delicious wild maine blueberry flavor). Though she couldn't enjoy the ice cream, Madeline did enjoy the company -- she had lots of smiles for Lauren!

But soon enough we prepared to take our leave. Each camp purchased a bouquet of sunflowers and then Lauren headed west while we went east.

Back at home, Madeline was still full of energy.

We played for a bit, including a rambunctious keyboard session, until it was time for me to start the grill and get cooking. At dinner, we decided Madeline was sitting so well ...

... that it was time to set up a high chair for her. And so we did. You'll likely see photos of it in action tomorrow.

Finally, Madeline closed out the busy day with a bath, after which Summer and I finished the last of our reupholstery project. It was a fun and busy Sunday; tomorrow we're back to daycare and work.

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