Sunday, July 3, 2011


Madeline had another happy day.

Again, she really wanted to crawl.

She worked so hard she had to take a rest.

And then she worked some more. But she's still not quite there.

This afternoon Anna and Neal returned. Madeline thought Anna was pretty interesting.

And they got to bond a bit.

Then we were going to take a walk but outside began to look ominous. Then the internet said the very light rain would be over soon so go ahead and take your walk! Then the rain started falling a little harder and the internet said oh never mind, actually it's going to rain until tonight. Then outside looked significantly clearer and the internet just gave up trying to be right and we got fed up and took our walk. When we returned Madeline -- who hadn't napped much -- was ready for bed, and I grilled some delicious dinner in the light rain. It was nice.

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