Sunday, August 21, 2011

Conanicut redux

This morning (after too long a hiatus) we went to Olga's for brunch. Madeline tried bacon!

Next we visited my office so Summer's parents could check it out. At first, Madeline wasn't impressed ...

... but eventually she warmed to it.

After the office visit we embarked on a big adventure. Stopping to refuel (gas, and beverages from Brewed Awakenings) along the way, we soon found ourselves in Jamestown. This time, Madeline was impressed right away.

The Allens posed with a peculiar statue ...

... and again with the harbor and Newport Pell Bridge* in the background.

Next we stopped by Mackerel Cove Beach, where we'd spotted a Del's truck while driving around past Beavertail and Pat's pigs. And so we did what any good Rhode Islanders would do:

Madeline desperately wanted to share in the Del's; Summer obliged with a bit, but I didn't. Maniacal me:

That was enough adventure. We returned home, ordered pizza ...

... bathed the baby, and that was just about that.

* Technically the Claiborne Pell Bridge, colloquially the Newport Bridge, diplomatically the Newport Pell Bridge.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the pizza was a big hit! I am loving these latest pictures and have wanted to comment on many of the one with Mandy holding her before she went to bed...that one is a treasure! These are just great. How did she like the bacon? Now that she is "dabbling/gnawing" other foods does she still nurse as much? Looks like you all are having a wonderful time together...and good food too! xo N
