Sunday, August 14, 2011

Six months

Because Madeline's six months old today, we started the day with the traditional photo shoot. We'll therefore start the post with the traditional recap of past months' photos.

One month:

Two months:

Three months:

Four months:

Five months:

And here's our little six-month-old:

She's getting bigger ...

... but remaining just as jolly!

Well, actually today she was a bit of a handful. Despite unmistakable signs of tiredness this morning, she wouldn't nap until I rocked her to sleep.

Once she'd rested, she resumed her quest in pursuit of the elusive crawl.

And then it was time for a trip to Boston to pick up the Allen grandparents fresh in from Oregon. Madeline slept all the way there, but on the way back we only made it this far:

... before Madeline's shrieks became so insistent that we pulled off so Summer could feed her. That's the Blue Hills Reservation, apparently. Anyway, even after a meal (and a diaper change for good measure), when we took to the road again, she took to her screams again. Welcome to the east coast, grandparents!

Back at home, she took out her frustration on poor grandpa.

Grandpa-boxing aside, the rest of the day was pleasant and involved plenty of attention for a happy baby.

Night, though, has marked a return to Madeline's handful ways. She seems wholly uninterested in remaining asleep, having wakened wailing three times. She's asleep now, so shhh...

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Mandy I have called and left my home phone on her VM at home. Or have her call me again from her cell phone. BTW, Madeline is quite the charming child and I so enjoy your blog!
