Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Missed milestones

In my illness-induced exhaustion yesterday, I forgot to mention that baby began crawling forward for the first time! Mind, she's only managed to coordinate both arms and her left leg, dragging the right one along with her, but still -- she's crawling! We're very impressed. Hopefully we'll get video soon so you all can be, too.

Also overlooked is that Summer put Madeline to bed in her crib for the first time Sunday night. Madeline went down just fine. She didn't stay all night, but she did last five hours or so -- not bad! Then sickness struck and we returned to routine; soon we'll try the crib again.

That's all for now. Here are two pictures from today: the first is of Madeline trying to will a cat to come to her; the second is of her napping in the yard after we took a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon.

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