Sunday, November 6, 2011

Connecticut to Puerto Rico: first flight

Madeline made it from Connecticut to Puerto Rico, and with minimal fuss at that.  When we boarded, she was cool as a cucumber.

Just before takeoff, she fell asleep.

A little later, she woke up excited!

She asked Summer what was going on.

When she found out she was in the sky, she tried to reach through the window and grab a cloud or two.

And before we knew it, we were in Puerto Rico.  The weather was hot, and Madeline was confused but happy but also kind of hungry and also sleepy.  The hotel didn't have our room ready, so we did this and that and finally plunked down in a spot by the pool.

Then we went inside to the lounge.  Madeline charmed everyone around by waving and smiling.

Finally, our room was ready and Madeline had free rein to crawl around and play!  She checked out the palm trees in the window.  All day, as she's seen them waving in the breeze, she's waved right back at them.

After some waving, she played and explored.

We'd had an upscale lunch at the hotel, so we tried a low-key dinner at the Denny's a block away.  (We're in a part of San Juan where there's not much native fare.)

After dinner, we took a quick trip to a well-stocked pharmacy to pick up some other supplies.  Then we headed back to our room, where a crib was waiting for our sleepy child.

1 comment:

  1. She is certainly taking it all in the airplane pictures..heck, I like them all. Not surprised at Petey's behavior. Will you have to replace the floor mats? Hope you have a great week - soak up some of that wonderful water and palm trees and aura for me. I miss that part of the has been far too long since we were there. Glad all went well. xoxox N
