Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy as a quahog

Today's baby news is that Madeline had such a miserable time at daycare that they asked us to come rescue her.  So I took an early-afternoon bus and fetched her home to enjoy the unseasonably warm afternoon.  We explored the yard: she felt tree bark and picked grass and clovers.  We walked laps.  We ate animal crackers.

She made mischievous faces.

Then Summer came and I did some work from home.  Whatever was ailing her at daycare was long gone when she was with us; from the time I picked her up, she was happy as a quahog.


  1. I think she just missed her best buddies and all the hanging out she had with you and all her doting relatives. I'll be curious to see how today went when she's back in her normal routine. We are relishing all the pictures taken while she was here...and, as always, the ones you both take.
    xo N

  2. I agree! We so enjoyed meeting her and seeing both Summer & Max. Looking forward to the next visit.
