Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A whole day of Delaware

Yesterday we embarked ...

...and last night we arrived in Delaware.  This morning we found out that Madeline loves it here!

One of Delaware's highlights is its many cats.  Especially Bridgette, who actually follows Madeline when Madeline's not following her.

In any event, Madeline loves Bridgette.

And she enjoyed Delaware icon Charcoal Pit, where we went for lunch.

She also likes the house that I lived in beginning when I was the age she is now.  I always found it a nice place, too.

But best of all are grandparents!  Here, Madeline's wearing a hat my grandma made for me when I was a baby.

And here, she's just super-excited!


Tomorrow's Thanksgiving; more fun is yet to come ...

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