Friday, November 11, 2011

Iguanas, swimming, standing

This morning after breakfast, the sun was out and the hotel grounds were crawling with iguanas.  Several were grazing, and some were climbing on the trees.  We got up close and personal with one.  Madeline was interested.

She tried to lunge after it.

There were also plenty of little lizards roaming around.  Madeline found them fascinating, too.

After Madeline took a morning nap, we finally made it to the pool!

We had a nice time swimming.  Madeline got very into kicking, but her favorite game was standing on floating-on-her-back Summer.  She found that very entertaining.

As soon as I took the above picture, the sky opened up.  I managed to move our stuff under an umbrella before it was soaked, but soon we were stranded!  Madeline was happy as long as she could chew on my hat strap.

She also appreciated the hotel-gift ducky.

After a little while, there was a break in the rain and we sped back to the building.  Inside, Madeline practiced her standing, and did a great job!  This time, I had the camera ready:

And after standing, Madeline let us know she was also ready to take baby-sized bites from an apple!  After all, she has four-and-a-half teeth now.

As we hadn't had lunch, we wandered the neighborhood again and found our way to Coladas for an early dinner.  Summer had a signature drink; Madeline had too much energy to sit still.

That could be the end to our vacation, but hopefully it won't be: our flight isn't until tomorrow evening, so we're planning to rent a car and visit the rainforest before we take off.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Extra great pictures today! Nice to see so many of Summer too. Hope you are at the rain forrest now and that you have a good trip back home. xoxo N
