Saturday, November 5, 2011

Providence to Connecticut

Madeline had a happy, active day as Summer and I frantically prepared for our trip to Puerto Rico.

We started off at a somewhat leisurely pace; I made blueberry pancakes, including miniature ones for Madeline.

But by the afternoon, the seat-plus-o's combination had become a happy-baby containment device as Summer and I bustled about trying to get ourselves together.  (It should be mentioned that Petey, perhaps sensing our imminent departure, expressed his displeasure by peeing all over baby jail.  That didn't help our timing.)

By dinnertime or so, we were ready to go.  Madeline sat in her new car seat (it folds up and can be worn as a backpack) and waved her beloved toy guitar -- it's from daycare, but Paula mercifully lent it to us for the trip.

We stopped off in middle-of-nowhere Connecticut for a fast-food dinner.  Madeline had a baked potato with broccoli -- yum -- but her first taste of a Frosty left her befuddled.

Finally, around 9, we arrived at our hotel (it's about 5 minutes from the airport).  Madeline, who had been asleep, became hyperactive and impish!

Mostly, she just seemed really interested in the hotel room, and really happy to be adventuring.

We hope that attitude carries over to tomorrow, when the real adventure begins!

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