Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Playing, napping, party

This morning Summer and Madeline played while I was in court.

But court ended early, and I returned for an oceanside lunch.

Madeline was happy.

The weather was unexpectedly sunny.  Also, Madeline has taken to pointing.  To what?  It's not always clear.

What is clear is that she loves our big, cushy hotel bed.

It's perfect for napping.

This evening we dressed up for a party.  We tried to get a group picture again, but again it didn't quite work.

Even getting a picture of Summer and Madeline was tricky, as Madeline was too energetic to pause even momentarily.

After the party, Summer and I needed dinner and Madeline needed sleep.  The only answer was room service (which, it turns out, provided our least expensive hotel meal so far).  Having already eaten apple sauce and o's, Madeline was content to chew on her hotel-provided ducky until sleep arrived.

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