Friday, November 25, 2011

The day after Thanksgiving

This morning Madeline learned one of the finest Thanksgiving traditions: pie for breakfast the next day.

And she chased kitties.

And she played with grandpa and Bridgette.

We met up with Mike and Rose for lunch on Main Street.  She was happy to have made new friends, though she was also very sleepy by the time we left.  She fell asleep in the car on the five-minute drive home.

Then this evening we went to great grandma and great grandpa's to celebrate great grandpa's birthday.

Madeline had fun with her family -- mostly the same crowd as last night.

And she was excited by great grandma's ceramic kitty!

Again when we left, she was very tired.  She slept as we took a slightly long way home, via Barley Mill and Brackenville Roads.

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