Thursday, November 24, 2011


Madeline had a very nice first Thanksgiving.  It started out with pancakes followed by pictures of me when I was her age -- she tried to wave to baby me, but alas! baby me couldn't wave back.

Then came some kitty play time ...

... topped off with tickles.

When most of the prep for the big meal was done, we took a walk around Newark Reservoir.

Madeline tried to go into the restricted section, but we wouldn't let her.

After we returned home, Madeline napped and I intercepted a Skype call from Alex and Steff.  After a while, Madeline joined us.  She was happy to see them but still a bit discombobulated from having just woken up.  She'd just had a chance to admire Boo-kitten when the rest of the crew started to arrive.

She met aunt Meg:

And aunt Kate and uncle Jim, who brought her fossils from their farm in Indiana:

She also met uncle Chip, Mary Lou, Colin, and Mary -- her great great aunt.  She liked all the new people (and attention)!

Soon it was time for the feast. The kitchen was bustling.

Madeline enjoyed the turkey, mashed potatoes, and peas (but didn't like grapefruit in the fruit cup).  She topped off the meal with some pumpkin pie.

At the end of the meal, she was sad.  Great-grandma offered some comfort.  But the night was beginning to get blurry, and she was tired.

She did have a bit of fun (despite the blurriness) playing with Kate and grandpa's guitars before bed, though.

And then it was bedtime.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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