Saturday, July 28, 2012

Farewell brunch, getting ready to move

Madeline was feeling much better today.

She had a happy morning playing with Grandma Susy ...

... and shoving more and more creatures into the largest of her food chain friends.

While Madeline napped, the rest of us maintained a flurry of apartment-packing activity.  Then it was almost time for Grandma Susy and Uncle Alex to return to Delaware, so we went out for a farewell brunch at Olga's.

When the meal had been eaten, Madeline danced ...

... and ran around like the little wild child she is.

Then we posed for pictures.

Bye bye Grandma and Uncle!

With Grandma and Uncle gone, Madeline had to resort to watching the U.S. Olympic women's volleyball team take on South Korea.

After she went to bed, we had another packing flurry.  Now just about everything's already ready for the big move Monday morning.


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