Sunday, July 15, 2012

Gardens and playground

Today we continued our 100% free weekend.  We started with (where else) Olga's.

As usual, we very much enjoyed both the garden (Madeline watched the birds begging for food) and our meals.

Speaking of gardens, back at home we had a ripe cucumber ready for picking!  Madeline was excited to try it.

And try it we did.  It was quite tasty, and she'll be having more of it with her lunch tomorrow.

We weren't done eating yet!  Our next venture, after Madeline took a long nap, was to Wayland Square.  Our old friend The Edge mysteriously closed down some time ago, and its spot was vacant for some time, but apparently the jewelry store next door (Alex + Ani) bought the space and turned it into Teas and Javas.  It's much less our style (sterile white and cold stone instead of inviting green and warm wood, no more bookshelves or local art or wall-affixed roll of paper for the kiddos to color), but they did win some points for introducing gelato to the neighborhood.

On our way home from Wayland Square, we stopped by the giant toddler playground for a giant playground visit.  Madeline first made a beeline for the sandbox and thoroughly dirtied herself.

Then who should appear but friends Deb and Lea.  We attended Lea's first birthday party some months ago and didn't get any pictures; I didn't do much better today:

But the two little ones played on the slide (as you can see) and had each other in giggling fits before each ran off to do her own thing while we parental types caught up.

Then Deb and Lea had to go and we played on the see-saw (Madeline sings, "See-saw, up or down!  See-saw, up or down!"), the swings ("Whee!"), and the dolphin (which, you may recall, caused some problems for Madeline two months ago, but none today).

Madeline was so filthy from all that playing (look at the palms of her hands in the picture above) that she took a rare pre-dinner bath.  Then, in short order, came dinner and bed.

After that, Summer and I began to pack.

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